Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello Blog World, I Have Not Forgotten You! | personal

I noticed today it's been a while since I've blogged. Thus I must blog today. I don't know why it's so hard sometimes, especially to do more personal "get-to-know-me" blogs. I try to be very open with my clients as it helps them (and I) to be comfortable and relateable (--is that a word?--) to each other. I LOVE what I do. It's seriously in my blood. And as only another (passionate) photographer would understand, I can literally hear myself talking faster and louder when talking about this awesome shoot, or these really great shots, or this beautiful location! I just love what I do. But I'm also very self-concious about my work. It still boggles my mind sometimes that people want to purchase MY art and hang it on THEIR wall. But between that and seeing my clients so happy that I can bring them to tears (which makes ME cry cause I'm a sucker for that sort of thing), is what makes this all worthwhile. It's what pushes me to put extra care into capturing details and perfecting an image in post-processing. It drives my creativity because that feeling is just........amazing. To know you've made someone's day or month or year is just.....amazing :) My clients are exactly why I do this. Oh, and because I have a huge love affair with Lightroom.

I am also a mommy--for those that don't know. I have an adorable 4 year old boy. Mischievious at best, clever and quiet at worst. But boy oh boy can he make you laugh! Amanda once did a blog post about things that she's heard me say on the phone to him (not only is she my *boss* but also a really awesome friend). He is so polite and quick to compliment. My heart has never melted so much. I also have a sweet little 9 month old girl. And she has brought me to the conclusion that one of the best sounds in the world is two chubby baby hands clapping. Her smile is huge and her laugh is contagious. I LOVE my kids :)

A lot of my life is driven by inspiration. Thus is the life of an artist. My kids inspire me, my family inspires me, the Universe inspires me. I am thankful every day for the abundances we have though sometimes it's hard to remember the little things when the big things are so--big. I think my next post will be on inspirations as there are so many people who have inspired me (personally and professionally).

For now, I definitely feel...cleansed :) It always feels better to share. And in the spirit of sharing, here's a recent photo I took.


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